Professional certificate nº 750.
Paulo Nascimento holds a degree in Dental Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra (1991).
General practice, having as a preferred area Prosthetic Rehabilitation and Aesthetic Dentistry.
Academic Degrees and Qualifications
- Degree in Dental Medicine by the Faculty of Medicine of Coimbra (1991);
- Member of the Dental Association (Professional Certificate nº 750);
- Member of the Portuguese Society of Stomatology and Dental Medicine;
- 2012- Madrid, Complutense University Faculty of Dentistry Advanced Esthetics Course for graduates, 7 modules;
- July 1997 – 7 levels of Orthodontics of the Gnatus Foundation (since 1995);
- 9,10,11 and 12 December 1995 – Intensive Course of Anatomy and Dissection of the Head and Neck, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lille;
- 2011- Lisbon, XX OMD Congress;
- 2010- Santa Maria da Feira, XIX OMD Congress;
- 2000- Advanced Life Support Course;
- 25 November 1995 – Organizer and Promoter of the Oral and Maxillofacial Implantology Conference, given by Prof. Manuel Chanavaz;
- 1,2 and 3 of December of 1994 in Matosinhos – Annual Congress of the Professional Association of Doctors Dentists;
- October 23, 1993 in Porto – Basic Course of Rehabilitation of Edentulism According to the Principles of Osseointegration AD MODUM BRANEMARK;
- 29 and 30 January 1993 in Madrid – Iberian Symposium ITI (International Team For Oral Implantology);
- 5 and 7 December 1992 in Lisbon – Theoretical / Practical Course of Periodontology;
- 1992- May, APMD;
- 25 and 27 January 1991 – 7th Symposium International Quintessence;
- 1991- Funchal, CISO;
- November 1990 in Lisbon – Metal-Ceramic Fixed Prosthesis Course;
- 1990- Coimbra, Continuing education cycle Operative Dentistry;
- May 27, 1989 in Coimbra – Theoretical / Practical Course of Removable Partial Prosthesis;
- 1989- Coimbra, Scientific meeting “Impacted Wisdom Teeth”;
- 1st International Congress in Dental Medicine for Senior Citizens;
- 1989- Coimbra, Symposium Dental caries “Organic versus inorganic fluoride”;
- 1988- Lisbon, II Conference Oral Medicine Oral Surgery Course;
- 1987- Porto, Computing and Medical Images.
Professional Activity
- He is currently the Clinical Director at Jardim dos Arcos Dental Clinic, located at Rua do Recife no. 9 B in Oeiras.
- He has been working at Vítor Leal Dental Clinic on Av. 5 de Outubro 1º D in Torres since August 1991.
+ Info: Full CV.